AmeriNZ 177 – Pacific Life

amerinz_podcast_150x150Today provided a good example of the realities of life in the Pacific: It’s a vast geologically active area, and people ignore that at their peril. Today proved to be minor for New Zealand, but it could have been much worse. After I recorded this, it was determined that dozens—perhaps hundreds—had been killed in Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga, and entire villages had been wiped out. They know first hand what tsunamis can do.

This is also school holiday time in New Zealand, and I talk a little about that, as well some technical issues that delayed my recent podcasts. Comments next studio podcast.

The next AmeriNZ Live group show podcast is Thursday 8pm North America time, 12 Noon Friday in New Zealand on

The next 2Political Podcast will be released soon, but won’t be posted to AmeriNZ Podcast. To subscribe, got to where you can subscribe through iTunes or directly to the feed.

Links for this episode

New Zealand Red Cross Samoa Earthquake Appeal.
NZ Herald coverage of the earthquake & Tsunami.
Visualising the earthquake magnitude scale.
It seemed so innocent.

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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