This is the premier episode of weekly chats streamed out live over There were a few teething problems (such as some sound issues, like in the first few seconds); I’ll get them sorted. Some of those issues are edited out, but this is mostly as it happened. I decided not to split this into two episodes because the group chat carried on from the interview (thanks for the advice, Archerr!). Future episodes will be shorter.
In part one, I talk with Jeffrey Taylor, who had one of the first podcasts I ever listened to, “The Gay Expat”. Since then, he’s moved on to vlogging and other new media opportunities. So we talk about his former podcast, about Vlog Europe and VideoCamp SF.
From there we talk about some of Jeffrey’s political activities: Today he was appointed to the Interim Administrative Group of Restore Equality 2010, a statewide group working for a repeal of California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 in 2010. He talks a bit about what led him to this, and we also talk about the future and opportunities.
We also talk about the upcoming March for Equality, immigration reform and other bits and pieces. Related to all that, new technologies offer some unique opportunities to organise for equality, and we talk about that, too.
In part two, we’re joined by Steven in Wisconsin, LurryDean and Daniel Brewer for a group chat about some of the issues raised in part one, especially the National Equality March, marriage equality, DADT, ENDA, and GLBT equality generally. We talk about the national vs. local strategy, and some of the ways forward. Should we take what we can get or demand everything? It’s a wide-ranging talk about lots of things—too many to list!
Live shows will be every Thursday at 8PM (Eastern time in North America, 12 Noon Friday in New Zealand), and regular weekly episodes will normally be one hour. Future episodes won’t necessarily all be about politics, by the way. And, I’ll figure out how to host a group show…
Links for this episode
Something is seriously wrong with WordPress and/or GoDaddy and I can’t make these links clickable. Sorry, but you’ll have to copy and paste. I’ll try updating this list later on. All better now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Vlog Europe 08
NOH8 Campaign
Get Engaged Tour
VideoCamp SF
Restore Equality 2010
National Equality March – Oct 10-11, 2009
Courage Campaign
Take a Volunteer Vacation in Maine! Help protect marriage equality
Leaving Out Part of the Liebovitz Story (Terrance Heath’s post on Bilerico)
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