AmeriNZ 381 – Royal May

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016Today I have THREE topics! First is a citizenship path (finally!) for New Zealanders living in Australia, then how the rich in New Zealand aren’t paying their fair share of tax (and how the NZ news media didn’t handle either topic very well). Then, the coronation of the King of New Zealand. I’ll be watching, but the oath of allegiance is stupid.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
”Better Australia/New Zealand relations” – My blog post on Australia fixing a grievous wrong toward NZ
”Richest Kiwis pay about half as much tax on the dollar
as the average New Zealander”
”Brits asked to swear oath to King Charles from the couch, a royal first”Stuff
”King Charles’ coronation to include three crowns and two carriages, fresh details show”Stuff

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AmeriNZ 374 – Forging ahead

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016The weather has been shocking lately, and that’s interrupted my outside projects. I begin today’s episode talking about that, and a bit about the background to all the outside work. Then I move on to a completed project—yes, it happens sometimes. Even I’m surprised. After that, it’s a couple bits in the New Zealand news.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
”Projected completion” – My blog post on the shelving project.
“Whether weather” – My blog post on weather and more.
“What a tangled web” – My blog post on the Hamilton West byelection.

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AmeriNZ 372 – Talking in whispers

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016I begin this episode with an overview of New Zealand’s recent local government elections: What message do the voters send? What does it imply for the general election next year? I’ve done a mini-series of posts on my blog (links below) if you’re interested in more detail. The stuff I talk about in this episode leads on to a brief discussion of some fringe political activity.

Then I talk about some of the mini-projects I did recently.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
”NZ voters send local government a message: ‘Meh.’” – My blog post on NZ’s local elections.
“Hamilton voters shrug” – My blog post on Hamilton and Waikato elections.
“Auckland voters say little” – My blog post on Auckland elections.
“An unexpectedly easy job” – A blog post about moving the VegePod.

Things I saw after I recorded:
”Hundreds of farm vehicles convoy in Manawatū protest against ‘communist’ emissions plan”Stuff
”Fact check: how do Groundswell’s climate complaints stack up?”Stuff
“Voices for Freedom hijacks farmers’ protest”Stuff
“Protesters who glued themselves to busy motorway taking a ‘breather’”Stuff

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AmeriNZ 368 – Sunshine

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016Today is the last day of August, and the last day of winter in the Southern Hemisphere, and here I am with another podcast.

I begin today talking about how I took advantage of the sunshine, and then why it’s important. Then, I talk about a small thing kind of big deal thing that I did. After that, it’s talk about another way sunshine is important in New Zealand right now.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
”Sometimes, deciding is what matters” – My latest Health Journey blog post.
“Fire and Fury” – The Stuff Circuit documentary on the far-right in New Zealand.

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AmeriNZ 361 – The ever-changing times

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016I recorded this episode last Friday (March 11), but didn’t have time to finish editing it that day—or all weekend. Life happens. This episode begins with me talking about my solar electricity system, and where things are at. I’ll have a more in-depth look at it after twelve months, but a check-in now is still a good idea—it’s been awhile!

The bulk of this episode, though, is about the three-week occupation of the grounds of the NZ Parliament—which is ironic because only I posted my previous episode only a short time before the occupation began. In that episode, I talked about why I thought New Zealand hadn’t had anything like the angry, aggressive, often irrational “protests” other countries had seen. Well, we have now! I have a nuanced perspective, as is usually the case, though my opinion of the occupiers is still negative. Below is an extended list of links to New Zealand coverage of various aspects of the occupation.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
Parliament protesters dig trenches to avoid ‘all night’ sprinklers – By André Chumko, Sophie Cornish, Erin Gourley and Matthew Tso, Stuff
‘Splintered realities’: How NZ convoy lost its way – By Marc Daalder, newsroom
The Trumpism spilling out onto Parliament’s lawn is the new virus – By Andrea Vance, Stuff
Do the protesters in Wellington even know what ‘freedom’ means? – By Jehan Casinader, Stuff
Wellington protesters’ extreme distrust of mainstream media – By Kristin Hall, 1News (TVNZ)
Tinfoil hats, Winnie, and the poo: Anti-mandate protest nears end of third week – By Virginia Fallon, Stuff (sums up most of the occupation)
Iwi take unprecedented stand against ‘abusive’ protesters who invaded marae – By Glenn McConnell, Stuff
Yesterday was New Zealand’s January 6. What happens now? – By Nik Dirga, RNZ (Full disclosure: I met Nik when he was a guest on the podcast way back in 2008, on episode 71)

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AmeriNZ 348 – Midyear

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016We’re in the second half on 2019 already! I talk briefly about that before going to NZ news, specifically, some recent changes that will affect tourists coming to New Zealand. There was also a weird rightwing social media freakout over a cake. Plus a couple other stories, along with a “me” update.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ!

There are several ways to send me an audio message—this earlier post lists them.

Links for this episode
“At the midpoint” – My blog post on the midpoint of this year
“Information about the NZeTA” – NZ Immigration
“Paying the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy” – NZ Immigration
“Americans will need a travel document to enter New Zealand, starting Oct. 1”Washington Post
“It’s just cake” – My blog post on the rightwing overreaction to the NZ Prime Minister making a cake.
“ACT Party rebrand: no name change, will focus on repealing hate speech laws”Stuff
“One pipe dream fantasy remains” – My most recent blog post about the rightwing “Christian” parties in NZ.
“Sunny is eleven” – My blog post about Sunny’s birthday.
“Teatotaling test” – My blog post about trying no-alcohol wines.

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AmeriNZ 341 – Providing answers

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016Last chance to post an episode before the USA’s Thanksgiving holiday, so here I am! I begin talking about the Pike River mine disaster, because we’ve had a major development. Then, it’s a sad and fraught story about division and a huge fight in Auckland’s “rainbow communities”. I also talk about how I’ve had to explain the USA’s recent elections to New Zealanders, which isn’t new, actually. Then I have a question and some comments from the previous episode. Consider this the aural equivalent of a Thanksgiving feast!

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ!

There are several ways to send me an audio message—this earlier post lists them.

Links for this episode
”Andrew Little confirms Pike River Mine Drift re-entry plan to proceed” – Government media release
”Pike River Mine re-entry: How it will happen”Radio NZ
”We’re in!” – Stand With Pike Media Release
AmeriNZ 242 – Sudued – The 2010 AmeriNZ Podcast episode where I talked about Pike River
”Rainbow New Zealand Charitable Trust withdraws support for Auckland Pride Parade after police uniform ban”One News, TVNZ
”Sound advice: ‘Just don’t go there’” – My blog post I referred to

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AmeriNZ 340 – Adventures

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016Today I talk a bit about how the Royal Tour was received in New Zealand. That leads into a couple other issues in the NZ news. I also provide a wider explanation of something I talked about in AmeriNZ Podcast episode 338. Last time, I also had some health updates and I had colds. This episode has similar topics, as it turns out. And, today is a big anniversary.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ!

There are several ways to send me an audio message—this earlier post lists them.

Links for this episode
”Prince Harry and Meghan’s Royal Tour of New Zealand: Spectacular display of Māori culture ends visit”NZ Herald
”Royal tour 2018: Kiwi designs lifted on royal shoulders”NZ Herald
”Simon’s circus” – My blog post when National’s MP crisis began
”Fact check: Business confidence surveys have little to do with actual economy”Stuff
All my blog posts on my Health Journey

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AmeriNZ 337 – Resolution

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016Despite a few obstacles, I’m back. First, though, I give the end of the story I talked about in the previous episode: New Zealand got a government. Mainly, though, I talke about the several obstacles to my being able to podcast (or blog, for that matter).

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ!

There are several ways to send me an audio message—this earlier post lists them.

Links for this episode
It’s a cruel summer – My blog post on some of the obstacles to blogging and podcasting
”A good end to the year” – My most recent health update blog post
”The Tim Corrimal Show” – Tim told me the podcast site was broken, so go check out his show!

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AmeriNZ 336 – Still waiting

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016The New Zealand General Election happened, but we don’t have a government yet. That’s my first, and main, topic today. I also talk a bit about a big commemoration of a famous battle in World War One. I have unusual feelings about it.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ!

There are several ways to send me an audio message—this earlier post lists them.

Links for this episode
Blue-Green bloom – My blog post on why a National-Greens coalition was impossible
”Green refusal to work with National ‘pathetic’ – Bolger”New Zealand Herald
“What will he do?” – My blog post on Winston’s options
“We’re still waiting” – My blog post on where we’re at
”First World War by the numbers”NZ History
”New Zealand’s ‘blackest day’ at Passchendaele – 12 October 1917”NZ History
”Military history of New Zealand during World War I”Wikipedia
”Passchendaele: The real reason behind New Zealand’s greatest tragedy”Newshub
”The Battle of Passchendaele: New Zealand’s military’s darkest day”Stuff
”Hundreds gather in Wellington to mark centenary of Battle of Passchendaele”Stuff

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