AmeriNZ 98 – Presidential Sweepstakes

Jason joins me today as we resume our political discussions. The primaries are over, and the focus has shifted to the November elections. So today we kind of re-set the stage for what we’ll be talking about in future episodes.

We begin with a chat about campaign finance, then on to talk about vice presidential choices. Should the candidates have to condemn every single supporter who says something stupid? We talk about the recent Supreme Court gun ruling, and whether it will affect the election. Will the anti-gay ballot measures hurt Democrats this year, too?

Our next political chat will be in about three weeks, tentatively the last week of the month. In the meantime, please leave a comment at, send an email to arthur{at], or ring my US listener line on 206-339-8413.

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4 thoughts on “AmeriNZ 98 – Presidential Sweepstakes

  1. Excellent political discussion. You guys brought up a lot of issues that we need to think about during the election. So much to do and so many minds to change.

  2. Actually haven’t listened to the post yet; I’ve been away. Just went to iTunes, which uploads automatically. I never bothered to cancel the old feed, so I get two versions. Oddly, they load at different speeds (and both slower than the slightly longer Coverville podcast). What’s also interesdting is that your original version is no longer “explicit” while the new version is.
    Not a complaint or anything, just an observation.

  3. Now that I have listened: interesting discussion. BTW, the DEMS convention is Aug 25-28, not Sept, in Denver; the GOP is Sept 1-4 in MN.

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