Recorded live and presented mostly unedited (be warned): Joining me for today’s Live Chat on were Archerr, Daniel Brewer, Larken and Wes Stone.
In this episode, we talk about some stuff in the news, starting with the Mississippi high school that cancelled its prom rather than allow a lesbian to attend with her female date. We also talk about a crazy poll, the California State Senator who was outed when he was arrested with another man, some “tenther” laws and other serious stuff. But we also talk about some internet and tech stuff—the Apple iPad, the Pride 48 podcasting marathon, Twitter as a customer service tool (really!), and a New Zealander caught up in the a craze. All kinds of stuff this week.
Archerr frequently does group shows like this (and he’ll be doing a group show next week) and you know what? It’s much easier than what I was trying to do. To me, it seemed like it flowed more smoothly and was more fast-paced. What do you think?
The next live AmeriNZ podcast on will be starting at 8:00pm Eastern North American time on Thursday, March 25 (1:00pm Friday, March 26 New Zealand time—new time due to change in US clocks). Join us! You can also join other listeners in the chatroom, where you can ask questions or make comments as the show is streamed.
Links for this episode
Live it Up! The Podcast – Wes’ podcast
The Gay Trucker – he’s on Pride 48 on Saturdays.
WOWcohol – Coming soon
Archerr’s Podcast – He’s on Pride 48 next week!
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