Recorded live and presented mostly unedited (be warned): Joining me for today’s Live Chat on were Daniel Brewer, LurryDean and Larken.
In this episode, we start out talking about the announced the topic, about the violent rhetoric of rightwing christianists. We look at whether this is a turning point, where the right wing finally starts to be defeated, or is this merely the start of something far, far worse?
The end of this podcast was something to which I could not get (that’ll make sense if you get that far).
Join us on for the next live podcast on for a lively, wide-ranging discussion of this and possibly other topics. The live chat starts at 8:30pm (NEW start time!) Eastern North American time on Thursday, March 11 (2:30pm Friday, March 12 New Zealand time). You can also join other listeners in the chatroom, where you can ask questions or make comments as the show is streamed.
Links for this episode
Ackbar for Ole Miss Mascot
Skeptics Guide to the Universe
WTF with Marc Maron
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