Today’s show starts a regular series of live shows on Pride 48 as before. I’ll be alternating weeks (if another podcaster wants to take the other alternating weeks, let me know!). My shows will begin at 8pm Eastern (in the Americas).
This week is something different: A sort of Pride 48 Town Meeting on what we as a podcasting community—podcasters and listeners alike—can do to help prevent suicides among GLBT youth. Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” Project is a great idea, and UKThom is putting together a video made by Pride 48 folks.
But what about those of us who primarily do audio? What can we do as podcasters and—especially—what can we do using Pride 48? We have the ability to reach many people, what’s the best way to use that?
We also talk about other things that we as podcasters could talk more about, including history and HIV/AIDS. This is a wide-ranging discussion around these issues, and definitely not for podcasters only.
I’ll be back for another AmeriNZ LIVE podcast on Pride 48 Thursday, October 21 at 8:00pm EDT (Americas, 1:00pm Friday, October 22 in NZ).
Links for this episode
The Trevor Project
Rainbow Youth (in New Zealand)
The “An Important Announcement” post on this site that I mentioned.
JayT’s Real Men Wear Pink
Veritable Virgo’s site
Ramble Redhead
UKThom’s site
Wes Stone’s Live It Up!
Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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