Not for the first time, I decided to re-record because I didn’t like what I’d done. This time, that allowed me to add more stuff to talk about..
After the Covid and NZ news, I update where things are at with my solar energy system. After that, I talk about my recent guest spot on ArcherRadio. That leads me to talk about some changes I’m going to make in what I do on this podcast.
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Links for this episode
“COVID-19: Vaccine data” – This is the official data from the NZ Ministry of Health, updated weekly.
“Estimated population of NZ” – This is the source of the population estimate I use to work out the percentage of New Zealanders who have been vaccinated. It is from States NZ, a NZ Government entity, and the estimate is updated every three months.
“Covid-19: Man who flew from Perth during lockdown now in managed isolation” – Stuff
“Brisbane Airport green zone breach traveller tests positive for Covid-19” – RNZ
“Covid-19: Air NZ reports bubble breach as Rarotonga traveller connects direct to Perth” – Stuff
“India travel ban lifts as New Zealanders stuck there
plead for help to get them home” – RNZ
“Sun cents” – My blog post about the PV solar energy system that I talked about.
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