AmeriNZ 400 – 6,028 days

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016This is the 400th episode of the AmeriNZ Podcast!!! Who’d ever have guessed I’d make it? It only took me 6,028 days… I talk about all that first, then what I’ve been up to since last week’s episode. This episode is also 18 weeks in a row, actually.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
“Unusually busy me” – My blog post about my recent weekend
“A history of daylight saving in NZ” – 1 News (TVNZ)

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AmeriNZ 399 – For years

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016It’s been a reflective time for me lately, with some anniversaries and the Pride 48 live-streaming weekend. I talk about all that first, then it’s on to some stuff in the New Zealand news. Next week: Episode 400!!!

Visit the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
“208 weeks, but not a year” – My first blog post about “The Horrible Anniversary”
“The fourth horrible anniversary” – My post about this year’s “The Horrible Anniversary”
“Streaming nostalgia” – My blog post about the Pride 48 weekend
”Pukaki Downs fire: ‘Huge relief’ as rain falls and wind dies down” – Radio New Zealand
”Queenstown’s wettest day in 24 years as rain lashes South Island” – 1 News (TVNZ)
”Queenstown cryptosporidium outbreak: Residents face ‘months’ of boil water notice” – Radio New Zealand
”Wild weather: State of emergency in Southland, warnings in place for wider South Island” – Radio New Zealand

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AmeriNZ 398 – 17 and 28

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016Today’s episode is named after two anniversaries: Today is the seventeenth anniversary of my blog, and yesterday was the 28th anniversary of when I first arrived in New Zealand as a tourist, when Nigel and I met in person for the first time. This coming weekend is also the final Pride 48 Live Streaming Event, and I reminisce and opine about podcasting. Then, I briefly talk about a small project outside. Finally, I share a funny (to me) story form New Zealand’s news.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
“Anniversaries 17 and 28” – My blog post about the 17th and 28th anniversaries.
The final Pride 48 Live Streaming Event – Link is to the schedule.
”Dave Dobbyn manager steps in over use of ‘Loyal’ in post promoting Liz Gunn party” – This article has the quotes I mentioned.

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AmeriNZ 397 – Copacetic days

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016Dare I say it? Spring may have sprung! I also share my surprise at how well the pool noodles have worked. My main topic today is about why and how I developed my personal organisation system, and that’s actually a story about how I’m doing these days.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
“My new projected system” – My first blog post in which talked about the system.
“As if to prove the point” – My system hit a snag only days into it.
“Project failure” – The first post in this mini-series 6 months into using the system.
“Safe indeed” – The second post in this series, about a success.
“Six months knowing what’s going on” – This is about tracking my tasks.

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