AmeriNZ 244 – And resume

I’m back after my summer holiday. First up, things in the New Zealand news, including the mine disaster and a controversy about free WiFi. Then it’s time for updates about my favourite topic—me! Yes, I’m kidding. After talking a bit about the holidays, it’s on to the arrival of our new furbaby, Sunny. I have a plethora of phone messages (an advantage to being away a month!), then a written comment. I mention Christmas cards, too—including next year.
Link for this episode
NZ journalists: Homophobic or lazy? (my blog post on the coverage of the McDonald’s controversy)
Ramblin’ with Roger – Roger Green’s blog
Episode 132 – Interview with Arthur of AmeriNZ (part one of the 2007 episodes I mentioned)
Episode 133 – Part 2 of Interview with Arthur of AmeriNZ

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3 thoughts on “AmeriNZ 244 – And resume

  1. Aw, shucks – a mention on your podcast AND a link in the show notes. I’m blushing.

    Maybe we’ll send Christmas cards in 2011. If so, it’ll be the first time since before the daughter was born, and she’ll be 7 in March.

  2. Hidyhoe Arthurino! I enjoyed listening to your last two shows. It’s nice to see some things remain in the podosphere even if many change. Sounds exciting to have the new dog, Sunny, and I did enjoy the imagery of you walking around as the pied piper.

    Re: McDonald’s I think you’re right. They’re just stupid. They outsourced the filter it sounds, and I honestly think parents are more concerned about their children going to gay sites than white power sites. What parent knows whether their child is secretely one of the enemy?

    The foil garlic bread is disinconcerting. You have a grill going, just brush bread with oil, grill, take raw garlic cloves and rub them on the grilled bread and possibly top with cheese. So easy! Actually, not sure if you guys get reggiano down there.

    Also a bit surprised your niece would find asian food unusual. I thought with your close proximity to southeast asia you would be swimming in coconut milk and fish sauce.

    Anywho, enjoyed.

  3. I don’t totally agree with what you are saying, maybe because you have a niece to protect.
    Internet access for all sites should be allowed anywhere and on all times if made accessible.
    1) It is a mistake and a persistent error to consider McDonalds as a “kids” fast food. Youngsters are a fragment of the consuming ages spending in there. They are in a pretty considerable numbers but it is still the adults who are paying. And not all of them are parents. McDonalds doesn’t really care about the children, they care about loosing clients.
    2) One has to be really stupid and desperate to be watching porn in a Mc fast food. Such perverts should beware.
    3) it is hypocritical to have a non-flesh-showing nudity policy when the television placed in the fast food shows commercial music video clips where artists are acting in a more obscene way and showing body parts as well. They are not showing cartoons, but adult stuff. Even from the kids’ corner they can notice it.
    4) there is a thin difference between the concept of nudity and of pornographic and people forget it and get conservative and tabboo-ish about it. Kids and youngsters may not understand such concepts but it doesn’t mean that one should act as if they shouldn’t exist. There are ways to explain in a sensible way such things if they accidentally see such thing in a McDonalds.
    5) If such sites or slightly provocative banners are prohibited then why not such applications or social sites? Those aren’t always as innocent as they seam despite policies. Nudity is accessible everywhere, even on Wikipedia. Making it inaccessible pushes everybody to look further ways to access it. It won’t stop those who has a need of it.
    6) As a private company they should have the right to discriminate in any kind. It may sound unfair but it is time for such companies to be truly fair and sincere with their customers. They should stop this game trying to hide their religious, sexual, political views and be transparent about their acts and opinions. Let the consumer boycott them as they want to. Let them show how greedy companies they are. Because by changing suddenly policy it doesn’t mean they truly think what they are doing is wrong, they just play the game so that they don’t loose revenue.
    9) It remains the parents responsibility to control the children. It is all about proper education more than proper protection. It is a shame that parents would think to censure body parts when they let their children look at the news and movies where violence is dominant.

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