Today I have a few things I forgot to mention last time, and comments give me the opportunity to expand some more. But I start with some items from the New Zealand news before my first “Election Watch 2011” report.
Link for this episode
NZ soldier killed in crash named
Gillard’s address to Parliament – Full text
A bit rich, John – my blog post on how John Key’s National Caucus doesn’t have “a strong record of standing up for gay rights”
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1. Thanks for the shout-out.
2. I love how the Illinois boy comes up with clear Kiwiisms such as “a lot of cheek.”
3. As you know, the US would never have developed as much as it has in the deep South and Southwest without air conditioning, which is just over 100 years old.
4. I’m utterly fascinated by your avoidance of that gay celebration thing because of the way you look; I’ve been told you are very beautiful.
Oh wow, I’ve been listening to Feast of Fun about as long as I’ve been listening to your show, and I love Tracy’s wild stories. So you two know each other? Well then, I’ll let you talk about it in your own time, as you say 😉
Yes I remember the story, you told it some time ago.