This is a special edition of the AmeriNZ Podcast: All about the Christchurch Earthquake. I share a few observations and offer a few suggestions, but mostly I share what the prime ministers of various Commonwealth countries had to say, including the New Zealand prime minister.
Back next week with a normal podcast.
I’ll be joining Nigel for his The Third Colony show on Saturday, February 26 at 9pm EST (Americas; 3pm Sunday, February 27 NZDT).
Links for this episode
Get Ready, Get Thru – NZ Civil Defence information to help Kiwis prepare for disasters
NZ Red Cross’ 2011 Earthquake Appeal donation page
Christchurch City Council Mayoral Fund – to help victims (no online donation)
SPCA Canterbury – to help care for homeless animals
Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]
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I’m not a big believer in apocalyptic literature, but the earth is shaking, and baking a lot, it seems . The Christchurch story is sad, of course, and you did a lovely job on the podcast. But I keep wondering what the NEXT disaster will be; or maybe it’s just that I’ve got death on my mind lately…
Hey Arthur,
Thanks for the update about the Earthquake in Christchurch. We aren’t getting much news about it over here in the US and your show really filled me in on what’s going on.
In listening to the John Key speech you included at the end of the show, he used several acronyms I’m not familiar with such as EQC (sounded like some kind of Government provided insurance program). I can only imagine the Tea Party’s response to something like that in America unless it was an insurance program for Wall Street .