I begin today with an update on the Christchurch earthquake—including some unpleasant stuff. I always try to be honest. I tell you what I think of it all. Our emergency kit is updated. The deadline for messages to Christchurch has been extended. I have extensive comments this week, which lets me expand. After that, I have an update on what’s going on with us.
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Link for this episode:
It’s 2am: Letter from Christchurch – the post I read from
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How odd that what you have described sounds so much like New Orleans after Katrina!!
And how sad that none of this is receiving any coverage in the US media.
It’s sad, but unsurprising, that services are distributed by class. You heard about it in Haiti, where the nice hotels were getting more immediate assistance.
But I was having a WTF moment over the cancellation of the NZ census. Aren’t they supposed to count people where they are? What do they usually do when people are away on holiday or for business? Don’t they get attributed to their home district? Or do they, like Mary and Joseph, have to trek back to be counted in Bethlehem?
Actually I wasn’t talking about strange stories telling Tracy Tyler but about the Chinese visit and the protection around it. Btw I stopped listening in December to any entertainment podcast because. I’m not in the mood but I will check this one out.