Episode 8 is now available, another talk episode. You can also listen to it through the player on the right hand side of my blog, or on my MySpace page.
Shocking revelation in this episode!
I took a break from work to talk with Archerr of ArcherRadio.com, one of my must-listen-to podcasters. Despite my having had too much caffeine, we talked of many things: Music—80s music in particular (apologies to Tim Corrimal for getting his past guests mixed up), where Auckland is, north and south in the mind’s eye, names for the voices for in-car GPS systems. Driving on the other side of the road. Talking to the past and the future. Why no photo of Arthur on the blog? Arthur reveals some shocking information—well, it surprises Archerr, at least. Frappr comes up, as does blog posting and stuff beyond podcasting. Tech talk about digital video and still cameras (when I talk about tape, I mean analog, btw).
Also, be sure to check out my two-part guest spot on Ramble Redhead’s podcast.
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