I didn’t have a chance to podcast last week, so I thought I’d record on a Monday for a change. I talk a little bit about news stuff, mainly the two recent non-holidays, one of which is introduced with a voicemail. Then, another phone comment introduces the next topic: The New Zealand election. Finally, another phone comment introduces the final topic: Who is New Zealand to get to do the haka before international rugby matches? A final written comment rounds out this episode.
Link for this episode
Greens vote could put Labour in Government – Key – New Zealand Herald
Opinion polling for the New Zealand general election, 2011 – Wikipedia
Aah speet on your haka, you feelthy Kiwi peegs – Anthony Sharwood, The Punch
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Always dodgy to comment two days after I listen to a podcast, because In forget all of your brilliance and only remember the thing I disagree with.
That’d be your call for the ending of Guy Fawkes day, which has become a symbol of resistance in the Occupy Wall Street movement. The actual narrative re Fawkes is irrelevant, as anyone who has ever worn a Che Guevera T-shirt probably has NOT figured out.