In this full episode, I update where we are, what we’re doing, and why this has been such a difficult period. The story is far from over. There are other things we’ve been up to, and I weave that into the story, before going on to New Zealand news. Voice messages round out this episode—it’s all here! Well, a lot of it, at least.
I may not be able to podcast next week, due to my big monthly work project; if not, I’ll be back after Easter.
Links for this episode
They Eat Their Own – A Labour-aligned blog spells out the scandal with ACC Minister Judith Collins
Collins’ dilemma & lameduck Key – The same Labour-aligned blog looks at what Judith Collins is up to, and what John Key has to do with it.
Rainbow’s End – My blog post on our visit to Auckland’s theme park, which Roger Green referenced (sort of) in his phone message.
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You don’t look liker Haley Joel Osment or Bruce Willis either.