AmeriNZ 282 – Fact or fiction

This podcast comes to you from my new desk. Exciting, I know (well it should be, because now I’ll stop talking about it!). Today I begin by talking about a few stories from the New Zealand news before moving on to my main topic: Statistics New Zealand has examined “some common beliefs about population in New Zealand to see whether they hold any truth.” I think their mythbusting is interesting, so I share some of that today.

Links for this episode
Legal fight over asset sales likelyNZ Herald
Huge writedown in KiwiRail valueNZ Herald
Labour pushes for extension of provocation repeal –
An abhorrent law is gone – my blog post on the repeal of the partial defence law
Passport process to become more flexible –
No baby boom and fewer sheep: Myths bustedNZ Herald
Population mythbusters – Statistics New Zealand

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One thought on “AmeriNZ 282 – Fact or fiction

  1. You brought up your Census, and I was curious whether there were Kiwis as resistant to answering the questions as some Americans are. I swear the question about what time people go to work is among the most controversial, as though the govt cared about their individual departure times.

    Also does the NZ census ask about religion? The US census cannot – separation of church and state – but Canada, e.g., does ask.

    You COULD do a whole segment on the NZ Census questions (hint, hint). I should note that a lot of the questions that were on the 2000 US Census long form are now being captured in the American Community Survey.

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