AmeriNZ 124 – Politicast – The Final Week

It’s the final week of the US election campaign—FINALLY! We added a podcast today, one Friday and one next week on “election eve”. Then we’ll collapse (hopefully from exhaustion caused by celebrating). So we start in with me talking about the alternate universe that Fox Noise operates in, and that leads into a discussion of varying looks at the Electoral College map.

One major indication of how things are going is where the candidates are campaigning, and the Republicans are spending most of their time in states that should have been safe for them, but they’re not. We also look at the possibility of voter fraud and vote suppression to keep Obama from winning. Which candidate can bring reconciliation to the country? The new Congress will have a lot more Democrats, but the ideology won’t change much; we tell you why.

A phone message lets us talk about third parties and a major reform that would let them run a campaign that could possibly win the White House. Other comments let us talk about Amendment 2 in Florida, Prop 8 in California and even a bit about Illinois politics.

Next political chat will be at the end of this week.

Links for this episode:
Real Clear Politics
Jason’s Blog

Please leave a comment, ring my US Listener Line on 206-339-8413, or send an email to arthur{at]

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5 thoughts on “AmeriNZ 124 – Politicast – The Final Week

  1. I suppose I give Colin Powell even a greater benefit of the doubt that you do, based on what he said in that Barbara Walters interview three years ago. He noted that he WAS fooled, not by Bush/Cheney et al. “There were some people in the intelligence community who knew at that time that some of these sources were not good, and shouldn’t be relied upon, and they didn’t speak up. That devastated me,” he said.”

  2. I give Powell less credit- I think he’s always wanted to do the right thing, but watching him testify to the UN back then, I thought he looked very uncomfortable with what he was saying. I believe he was lied to- but I also think he suspected that at the time (at the very least).

    Good show as always!

  3. I think he was uncomfortable at the UN – and I agree that he sure looked that way – because he’s basically a reluctant warrior and knew the implication, if not the veracity, of what he was saying.

  4. That’s an interesting take, Roger – could be both are true. If he had suspicions that what he was saying wasn’t absolutely correct, he knew the ramifications.

    I never understood why he stuck with it as long as he did, though. Clearly he knew he was ‘on the wrong side’ long before he left. He’d been so marginalized too that sticking around and trying to bring a better end to things wasn’t really an option, either. Well intended probably, but the road to…

  5. Wow, this is a great discussion! Thanks so much! We’ll talk about it on the podcast, of course, but certainly everyone should feel welcome to join the discussion like this. Thanks!

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