Mark from “Slap Upside the Head” joins me today to talk about various Canadian things. We begin today talking about the Canadian elections last month. What happened, and what does it mean? What’s a “minority government”, and how does Canada end up with one? We talk a bit how parliamentary democracies work, and how that relates to a minority government in Canada. How did the GLBT communities fare? How did Canada end up with higher age of consent for GLBT people?
We also talk about standing up to homophobia and even about allowing comments on websites.
Links for this episode:
Slap Upside the Head
Canada Officially A Homosexual Country!
Hiding From Homophobia Is Not An Option
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Thanks for this, both of you- interesting the differences between parliamentary systems and how they’re more in flux than the US’s. And between your discussions and my Canadian coworker, I know more about Canada now (in NZ) than I did when I lived 100 miles away from it!
You know, it’s funny, but I certainly understand more about Canada (and Australia and Britain, too) since I moved here. It would be great if everyone could live in another country for awhile—would help people understand the world a little better.