AmeriNZ 131 – Podcasting in December

It’s been ten days since my last podcast, and I’ve been under enormous pressure to put out a new episode (Archerr). Seriously, I’ve been very busy for the past couple weeks or so, and today was the first chance I’ve had to record. Maybe I should’ve waited a little longer (I was a bit silly—well, for me, anyway).

So first I give some updates, including about our Thanksgiving. I also talk a bit about our plans for Christmas. I even tell you about Canadian politics! Well, you just never know what will turn up on the AmeriNZ Podcast!

Link for this episode:

My blog post on Thanksgiving.

Please leave a comment, ring my US Listener Line on 206-339-8413, or send an email to arthur{at]

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4 thoughts on “AmeriNZ 131 – Podcasting in December

  1. Oh THANKS, Arthur! It had sort of registered on me that Barack is the first prezzie younger than I am, but somehow I’d missed John Key.

    -Ann, had been in blissful denial until you ruined it all

  2. Archerr: Pressure? No—content!

    Ann: Glad to help! Misery loves company, you know…

    Roger: I’ve blogged a bit about that, but the short answer is that I think it’s stupid, but that it’s real purpose is to set up the context of their upcoming crusade.

    I’d seen that article, actually, and it’s quite good.

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