This is a short episode as I triumph over adversity. Well, unexpected technical problems. My voice is also a bit raw. But I was determined to record today, no matter what.
The first actual topic today is that yesterday was the 31st anniversary of the introduction of the Homosexual Law Reform, which was passed 30 years ago this year. I’ll be doing a special episode about the 30th anniversary later this year.
Today I posted my ballot in New Zealand’s second Flag Referendum. I voted for change. I also posted my ballot in the Illinois Democratic Primary. I explain how that works, and why I vote—but not how I voted. I talk about why that is, too. I also talk a bit about the Global Presidential Primary held by Democrats Abroad, which I didn’t participate in. An event in New Zealand was the first place where overseas Democrats cast votes in the Global Primary.
Then, a couple bits from the podcasting world. Unlike what Auntie Vera Charles has experienced, El Niño has gone pretty much as expected for us. Then, I talk a bit about a clip show on Pride 48. Daniel Brewer interviewed me on the latest show.
Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ!
There are several ways to send me an audio message—this earlier post lists them.
Links for this episode
A post I made on the AmeriNZ Facebook Page about the Global Primary event held in New Zealand
“Pride48 Clip Show – February 2016” – The episode I was on.
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Watching what’s going on with the rise of the Fourth Reich (Media support for Trump) in the US is making me wonder if we should retire in Italy and leave these hateful people to deal with the situation themselves.
OOPS! I forgot to mention this in the latest episode—clearly I’m out of practice! 😉
I could point out that we speak English in New Zealand and Australia…