AmeriNZ 133 – Drive straight

On today’s episode, I tell you why New Zealand’s Prime Minister is not hot. Also, not straight? Don’t drive in Auckland. But that’s after I talk about the most important subject, ME. I also educate Big Fatty, all while making sure Archerr has something to listen to.

Link for this episode:

NZ Prime Minister isn’t hot, apparently.

“Not straight? Don’t drive” says AKL Council.

Ray Boltz’ new song, “Don’t Tell Me Who To Love.

Video to Ray Boltz’ song by Soulforce.

Please leave a comment, ring my US Listener Line on 206-339-8413, or send an email to arthur{at]

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2 thoughts on “AmeriNZ 133 – Drive straight

  1. Drive straight??? Who thought of that??? That’s almost as bad as drive white! I think they should pull that ad and apologize. Just my opinion.

    So glad you continue to podcast in December and provide me with only the highest quality of content. Please continue. 🙂

  2. I have no idea who came up with the slogan, but it was kinda dumb, whoever came up with it. The slogans are painted on the road, but I suspect it’s temporary (eco-friendly) paint that will eventually wash away.

    I’ve almost run out of month now!

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