AmeriNZ 136 – Meri Kirihimete

Today I simply tie up some loose ends from this year, since this is probably my last audio podcast of the year. I’ll have a video around Christmas Day, but this may be my last audio podcast until early 2009—maybe even the second week. Check the website for details. It’s been a pleasure and an honour sharing some of this year with you. The next couple weeks I’m spending with Nigel, and I’ll be back in the New Year. All the best to you!

Link for this episode:

There Are Some Who Call Me Tim Episode 90 I joined Tim and, um, Tim (Corrimal and Tim from Terminally Single) for a year-end podcast. Check it out!

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6 thoughts on “AmeriNZ 136 – Meri Kirihimete

  1. Ha ha ha, that’s what you get when you work without a script, I guess! It ended up longer than I thought because just when I was nearly done, I realised that I hadn’t said what the title meant, so I had to go back and add that. Oh, well…

    Merry Christmas to you, too!

  2. Arthur, you said something on your podcast about people who listen to your podcast but never leave a comment. Well, I had to raise my hand. I have been listening to your podcast since I bought my IPhone in August, 2007. The 2 podcasts that I listen to without fail is Archerradio first and then your podcast. After that I sporadically listen to the other podcasts that you guys are always talking about. I am a 61 year gay male living on Main St in Downtown Dallas. I really like listening to Archers and your everyday life. I enjoyed all of your political shows. One of the best things that happened this last year was Barak winning the election. I am going to be off on Inaguration day, so I can watch and celebrate. That is going to be a bigger day than New Years.

    Enjoy the next 2 weeks off with Nigel! Hope you guys have a Great New Year. Although, I am not in Chicago,it is still cold in Dallas. I envy you being in the middle of summer.

    Again Have a Great New Year. I will comment again and not just listen.

    Gary Gay on Main Street

  3. Thanks so much for commenting! I always intended that podcast be a conversation, one that anyone should feel free to join but never obligated to do so.

    I agree with you about Barack. Inauguration Day in the US is the following day here (because of time zones), which means it’ll be on my birthday. What a great birthday present!

    I hope you have a great new year, too, and I look forward to interacting with you more!

  4. Another Dallasite listens?!?!?! I live jsut near downtown Dallas and greatly enjoy this podcast, when I get a chance to listen. Keep up the good work.

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