AmeriNZ 353 – Working the plan

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016This episode includes the debut of a new mini-segment, something I’m beginning because of a conversation I had on the AmeriNZ Facebook Page.

I begin today by talking about New Zealand’s vaccination programme, how that compares with Australia, and also about related topics. Then I move on to talk about stuff I’m doing to my house, projects to help prepare the place for my retirement. The latest project also fulfils one of Nigel’s dreams, which makes me happy, too.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
“COVID-19: Vaccine data” – This is the official data from the NZ Ministry of Health, updated weekly.
“Estimated population of NZ” – This is the source of the population estimate I use to work out the percentage of New Zealanders who have been vaccinated. It is from States NZ, a NZ Government entity, and the estimate is updated every three months.
“New Zealand’s vaccine rollout might be slow, but it’s looking a lot better than Australia’s”Stuff
“Two new cases, both in managed isolation” – This story from Stuff also talks about the MIQ guard who tested positive.
“MIQ contractor First Security disputes Government ‘misinformation’ over Covid-19 testing failure of border worker”Stuff
“What the numbers say about the India travel ban”Stuff
“Home work” – My blog post about the ventilation system I added to my house.
“Powering my future” – My blog post about my latest project for the house.

Get AmeriNZ Podcast for free on Apple Podcasts.


2 thoughts on “AmeriNZ 353 – Working the plan

  1. I say to-MAY-to, but you say to-MAH-to. It’s interesting to hear you speak because you’ve really taken to the Kiwi speech patterns. I know it’s been a quart-century, but it was particularly noticeable on this post. Or maybe I was listening with new ears. idk.

  2. Interesting! I’ll have to go back and listen (something I generally don’t do…). But I can say that in my “natural” accent it would be tuh-MAY-toe, but I now say something more like toe-MAH-toe because people here do, and it’s easier to be understood. But maybe I should take this up in a future episode.

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