I managed to complete an episode in June!!! Well, that’s something.
I give some advice to my fellow Americans in the wake of the Roe decision because I have a very particular perspective. Then, on to light topics. What happened to the project sorting files? Good things. What about that fatigue? More good things. Well, the first 12-months with my solar power system have passed, and the results outshine everything else I talked about. In my opinion.
Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.
Links for this episode
”Was it worth it?” – My blog post on my first 12 months with solar power.
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Hi, can you send me your link on your response to Roe vs. Wade?
Oddly enough, I haven’t actually done a response! I hardly ever write about US politics any more, but if I do a response (and I probably will), I’ll post a link on the AmeriNZ Facebook Page.