Episode 3 begins our regular schedule of podcasting every other week (more or less…). After special news, a special announcement: 2Political has it’s own US-based comment line. Then it’s on to AIG and the implications of that whole situation. We say that reform, regulation and oversight will all be necessary. We then move on to talking about the plans to buy “toxic assets” and what that can mean. Back in a couple weeks!
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From http://www.thecensusproject.org/
Advocates question tabulation plans for married gay couples: Advocates for the gay community are challenging the Census Bureau’s decision to re-code married couples of the same sex as “unmarried partners” in the 2010 census relationship question. New York City Councilman Bill de Blasio (D-District 39) introduced a resolution earlier this month, calling on the Census Bureau to publish data on same-sex couples who report that they are married. New York State recognizes same-sex marriages performed in states and other countries where gay marriage is legal.
According to articles in The New York Times and other news outlets, the Census Bureau has determined that the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 prohibits it from tabulating data on marriages that are not between opposite-sex couples. Similarly, same-sex couples with children will not meet the Census Bureau’s definition of a “family” when the agency publishes data on families and households; the children will be considered part of a single-parent household.
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund, calling the Census Bureau’s tabulation policy “expensive and insulting” and “a holdover from the Bush Administration,” is circulating a petition to Acting Census Director Thomas Mesenbourg, asking him “to reverse the Census Bureau’s current policy and count all legally recognized marriages equally in the 2010 census — including those of same-sex couples.”
Your observations, s’il vous plait?
One thing some gay folks I know rail against is the issue of marriage as the end-all and be-all for the civil rights of GLBT folks. I sort of understand, but marriage seems to be the arena where definable action, pro or con, is taking place. So even one isn’t inclined to get married, the rights of those who do will help all – the rising tide lifts all boats theorem. Your thoughts?
Vermont Legalizes Gay Marriage
The Legislature on Tuesday voted to override the veto by Gov. Jim Douglas of a bill allowing gays and lesbians to marry.