This is just a nattercast today, since I won’t have time tomorrow. I start with some updates (this IS a personal journal podcast!) and go on to other bits and pieces. It’s another cornucopia today! I have a little bit of a downer toward the end, but my reason for bringing it up is positive.
Links for this episode
Jake’s big weekend post on my blog.
100 Maori words every New Zealander should know
Maori Language Week – Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori
History of the Maori language
New Zealand Immigration Service
The “Lord of the Rings” Location Guidebook
Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]
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Make a pumpkin pie without using canned pumpkin, how unamerican!
Kinda fitting though, lol
I know, right?! That’s why when I was last in the US I bought three cans of pumpkin so I could make a proper pumpkin pie. I’m STILL not brave enough to try the pumpkin puree route!
Wow my life is complete now because I know how to say penis is Maori! Whoo hooo!
Seriously thanks for the shout outs and always enjoy your show!