Even after skipping last week’s live show, I wasn’t sure I’d be able do one this week. I did! LurryDean and Steven in Wisconsin joined me for a general chat. We started out talking about family—the ones we’re born into and the ones we make. Then we talk a little bit about the National Equality March, and even about criticism that President Obama isn’t doing enough for GLBT people. After that, we talk about a number of things, including famous podcasting celebrity, Big Fatty. We give him material for the openings of many episodes of his show.
Clarification: President Bill Clinton appointed James Hormel as ambassador to Luxemburg, but that appointment was blocked by now-dead US Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC), so Clinton appointed Hormel while Congress was in recess. President George W. Bush appointed Michael Guest as ambassador to Romania, but his sexual orientation didn’t become public until after the Senate had confirmed him. Afterward, he was attached by rigthwingers, including some in Romania, and his tenure ended after only two years, though the Bush State Department claimed that had been the plan all along. So: David Huebner stands to be the first openly-gay person nominated as Ambassador and then confirmed by the US Senate. Add it all up, and it would make Huebner, in effect, the first openly-gay US Ambassador, though I realise that to some people that may be a technicality.
The next AmeriNZ Live group show podcast is Thursday, 15 October at 8pm North America time, 1pm Friday, 16 October in New Zealand on Pride48.com (and I be much better organised next week…)
The next 2Political Podcast will be released early next week on 2political.com, where you can subscribe through iTunes or directly to the feed.
Links for this episode
Keith Olbermann’s special comment on healthcare.
Durban Bud blog.
Pundit Kitchen.
Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]amerinzpodcast.com.
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Since I am at the HORROR Hotel, I have been a little preoccupied to listen to the live show BUT I did notice that you titled the show to LURE me in AND that my grandson is on the show. Needless-to-say, I can’t wait to hear the nattering. BF
hi arthur,
i really wanna be on 1 of your live shows, one day. Maybe when my essays are all done.
anyway; great show today. I like the ‘families’ topic to begin with.
(am yet to get to ruined bit re: bif gatty, so maybe the show will be bad then?).
keep up the good work.
OH, and don’t forget… I have a new website – now with COMMENTS!