Recorded live and presented unedited (be warned): Joining me for today’s Live Chat on were Steven in Wisconsin, LurryDean and Archerr. We started out by looking at a simple question: Are gay people really different from non-gay people?
It was a wide-ranging discussion from there, talking about a lot of things, including same-sex marriage and the priorities if GLBT activists. And to think, I was still getting over being sick! Last week, some of the recorded stuff was deleted. This week, we chatted well after the recorded portion ended. What that means is that every week there will be some stuff you’ll only hear if you listen live.
Join us on for the next live podcast on for a lively, wide-ranging discussion. The next live chat starts at 8pm Eastern North American time on Thursday, October 22 (1pm Friday, October 23 New Zealand time). You can also join other listeners in the chatroom, where you can ask questions or make comments as the show is streamed.
Links for this episode
Pundit Kitchen.
Jake in Chicago.
Archerr’s podcast and more.
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