AmeriNZ 186 – Real or not?

amerinz_podcast_150x150Recorded live and presented mostly unedited, this episode has some sound issues. Joining me for today’s Live Chat on were regular panellist LurryDean, as well as Larken, Lord Byron from Illinois and Brother Cinaedus.

The Internet has changed everything—the way we shop, the way we get information, the way we do politics and even the way we relate to one another. New forms of communication and social interaction have sprung up, bringing new opportunities for friendship and more.

Some sneer at “online relationships”, as they’re sometimes called, even when they turn into something deep and permanent. Yet even cynics would agree they allow us to learn about different people in different places. But does that make them “real”? If there’s someone we get to know only through online chats, Twitter, Facebook, Skype or whatever, and we never meet them in real life, can they ever be considered a “real” friend? Or, is it similar to casual friends and acquaintances we make through work or community groups? Could it be something different and new, something society hasn’t fully adjusted to yet?

After that topic, we talk a bit about religions involvement in GLBT politics: Rge Roman Catholics attempting to blackmail the Washington, DC city council and the Mormons endorsing a GLBT-rights law in Salt Lake City. That’s a wide-ranging discussion that even loops back to the main topic.

From next week, these live chats will be about 45 minutes.

Join us on for the next live podcast on for a lively, wide-ranging discussion. The next live chat starts at 8pm Eastern North American time on Thursday, November 19 (2pm Friday, November 20 New Zealand time). You can also join other listeners in the chatroom, where you can ask questions or make comments as the show is streamed.

Links for this episode

Kim Beaver’s Lodge
Big Fatty ONLINE
Vera Speaks… For Real
StopBeck on Twitter

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One thought on “AmeriNZ 186 – Real or not?

  1. I’ve been so busy w the sick child that listening to podcasts, let alone responding to them, has been out of the question.

    To the conversation topic: to take a concrete example, lets say that Arthur at AmeriNZ wrote some Twitter post I didn’t like. I wouldn’t then take him off my Twitter feed, remove him off my blog links, etc. Even though I’ve never met Arthur, he has built up enough emotional capital with me that his Twitter post was either a misstatement or something he wrote without thinking. I might CALL him on it, but unless it was something more egregious than I can possibly imagine, I wouldn’t just dump him.

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