It’s HOT in Auckland! I was also completely busy last week, partly because of a public holiday. Actually we had two public holidays last week, which leads me to talk a bit about public holidays generally. This year, Waitangi Day touched off discussion on changing the New Zealand flag. I talk a bit about that, and even about flag burning, of all things. New Zealand news updates this episode are about a singer who died, an update to something I talked about last time, and also the Prime Ministers speech to Parliament today.
Before comments, I have some updates about this podcast. A lot is going on!
The LIVE AmeriNZ Podcasts are scheduled to resume Friday, February 12, 2010 at 2pm-ish (Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 8pm-ish eastern North American time). The topic with be: “State of the Gays”. Check back here or on the podcast Twitter feed,
Link for this episode wants to change the New Zealand flag.
Apparently, the pirate flag WAS real.
Pauly Fuemana mourned.
Is TVNZ homophobic? from my blog.
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