After some introductory blather, I tell you about the sad Anzac Day this year. From there I move on the other NZ news, far less serious, but I sneak in a more serious thing, too. And more silliness. A phone comment lets me update an earlier episode.
Archerr may be taking over all the Thursday live shows. Stay tuned.
Links for this episode
AR1059 Does Medicare Cover STD Tests? – I was a guest on this group show episode
Roadshow weary – my long blog rant on Adobe
“YouTube turns five – NZ’s top 10 vids” – NZ Herald list
Senate Immigration Framework Includes LGBT Binational Families
Musings of a Tech Writer Podcast
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Begging your indulgence, but I wanted your millions of listeners to know that I have moved my blog to Thank you.
Of COURSE! A challenge against DOMA on 10th Amendment grounds!