AmeriNZ 224 – Onward

amerinz_podcast_150x150Busy again (some things don’t change). There’s been a lot going on, starting with Pride 48 and work, too. I also tell you about Nigel’s new show. An odd story in the news caught my eye. I have lots of comments that let me talk about other things. I may only have one episode next week, too.

Link for this episode
‘Twilight’ death a mystery say police
My Honey Wears Plaid

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One thought on “AmeriNZ 224 – Onward

  1. Hi there Arthur,

    I just wanted to second your recommendation to go cold-turkey when it comes to learning a new measurement system. You told us you had done that in adapting to metric. As a Kiwi in the US, I had to go the other way, but cold-turkey is still the best way to get used to a new (and in my situation stupid-why won’t the US go metric, why? why?) system. And temperature is the trickiest new set of numbers to learn. (How can it be 75 degrees and I’m not dead?)

    And, as a side question, what would you call the American measurement system? (Aside from willfully idiosyncratic.) Growing up in newly metric New Zealand, the old system was called “Imperial”. But no one seems to use that here.

    Measuredly yours,


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