AmeriNZ 232 – Surprises

I have a little housekeeping first: An upgrade to my site caused some havoc, killing off links to my podcast files, and that came as a surprise. I’ll fix it, but it’ll take time. Then, it’s on to a couple items in the news, starting with the cost of Kiwi expats. My mini topic today is a talk about some small things that surprised me when I moved to New Zealand. Comments round out the episode, which lets me comment further.

At the end, I play a special promo I made for Nigel’s The Third Colony show this weekend.

Be sure to listen to Nigel LIVE on The Third Colony Saturday, 9-11pm Eastern (in the Americas, 1pm Sunday in New Zealand) on Go to The Third Colony website for how to listen, or to join the chatroom.

Links for this episode

Expats costing NZ $14k each

Money: Cheques dying a slow death

All about Lamb and mutton

All about Zucchini

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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8 thoughts on “AmeriNZ 232 – Surprises

  1. Because I KNOW you care:

    Mandatory label information for beer (US).
    There shall be stated on the brand label
    (1) Brand name…
    (2) Class…
    (3) Name and address (except when branded or burned in the container)…
    (4) Net contents (except when blown, branded, or burned, in the container)…
    (5) Alcohol content…for malt beverages that contain any alcohol derived from added flavors or other added nonbeverage ingredients (other than hops extract) containing alcohol.

  2. Thank You for the shout out!

    Maybe I should keep my comments shorter so that you don’t waste half of the rare podcast replying to me. 😀

    But I appreciated your replying to the comment! Thanks.

    I should have been more precise when saying “I instinctively chose the one I discovered here and not the one from home”: here I didn’t mean saying that about two similar versions of one thing (of course I am talking about food. In general I only talk about food). There are situations when one is offered two foods that are totally nonexistent in both countries (the one being specific to one country, the other to the other country). I am not getting the same thing, but still I choose the one from the country I am now.

    About the tastes of products that seem done right in the home country: I think it is mainly a question of education of the palate during once young life. As growing up a certain diversity of food is given to the child. While living in one region and having almost the same foods and tastes all the time the tongue (and subjectively one’s taste) is trained to like – or exactly to accept – only one range of tastes of the palate angle. As in the north they are more used to sour tastes, mild or flat spiced dishes, the south educates tongues to a more basic taste with strong and intense spices. The palate palette is diverse according to one’s region.
    As an adult, the palate remembers the tastes and even if the palate is widened with much more diverse tastes, the concentration of those preferred are always dominant over one side. And you have said it, the mind “remember”(s) the originally given tastes.
    Chinese food for example (I use this example as it is maybe the most found food around the world) has an original way to be available in countries. Most of the dishes are available all over the world. The combination of ingredients makes it simple to offer to everybody quite the same (in a large point of vue) things. Still the tastes are different in every region and different from the original source region. They have actually adapted to the local region’s palate. Where the food is almost fade, like in occidental countries cooking with basic spices, the dishes will have a fade taste too. Where the spices are dominant, like in oriental countries, the dishes will be stronger and tastier. It is the only way for such dishes to massively survive in foreign countries. Contrarily to big food chains like Mc Donalds were the taste is just almost the same everywhere.

  3. You are a City Slicker!!! I grew up a little west of you (Montana) at about the same time, and I knew the difference between mutton and lamb. We ate mutton; lamb was the expensive stuff sold in the stores. Of course my dad help slaughter the meats my family ate. To this day I have to have a leg of lamb for at least one holiday during the year…usually Spring Equinox/Easter. (It is usually NZ Lamb.) However, I am aware that many USers do not like lamb, there is just too much flavor; they really are bought up on flavorless foods, and do not know what is good.

    A quality listener.

  4. another great podcast. loved the bit about expats costing NZ. who thinks up these studies?

  5. not too happy about not being able to listen to old archives beyond the Pride 48 one. jk. i am happy to wait . i want to listen to more lol.

  6. Kyle_hawaii: I think it shouldn’t be that difficult, if you really need it, to figure out how to reconstruct the link to the old podcasts even if it is not accessible on the site.

  7. If one thinks there are too many kinds of sheep meat types, you should check Julia Child’s introduction to chicken meat types.

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