The earthquake in Christchurch was a very big deal, but it was kinda weird how I heard about it. Social networks really helped. In some ways, it was all the flipside of an episode I did two years ago.
After that, I have some general life updates, along with a plethora of phone comments—listeners answered the call! My live shows may be close to returning.
Links for this episode
Neither stirred nor shaken – from my blog
AmeriNZ 106 – The Tyranny of Distance (yes, I restored access to this episode)
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Is cussing allowed on AudioBoo?
I just got frightened when you said you went to the petshop. Thought you took Bela away. A propos the cat, can we get an update about that and how’s going the strategy?
I didn’t even know about the earthquake until Sunday, when I read about it on your blog! The daughter was in a Pakistani wedding on Saturday – no, she was NOT the bride – with a pre-wedding event on Friday night.
Glad you’re OK, of course.
In the morning I saw you were available on the twitter but didn’t notice anything unusual. Then Mr Z. told me something happened down there. Since I never read the news I didn’t even know. And didn’t even ask if you were ok after reading the twits and blog. That makes me a really bad friend. 🙁 Shame on me.
would love to hear you live and interact on pride 48! yes it is neat that social networks can be used to inform one’s family during times like these. earthquakes and other natural disasters. during the supposed tsunami that was supposed to hit the hawaiian islands. everybody was keeping track of tweets even the newscasters were depending on tweets across the pacific for information as to the progress of the wave. which really didn’t affect us except for the chaos of the sirens going off at 6 am on sat. morning sending all coastal residents for higher ground. and other residents like ourselves to go to town for gas and other supplies just in case we needed to run off of generators. all the off-grid residents really didn’t have much to worry about in that department though lol.