Today has updates, beginning with the Christchurch earthquake. There are some unusual aspects and an unusual governmental response. I also give a comparison with another earthquake. We had a special event involving food. A few days earlier, I had another adventure involving food. Comments let me provide even more updates.
Join me for the resumption of regular AmeriNZ LIVE podcasts on Pride 48! The first one will be this Thursday at 7:30pm EDT (Americas, 11:30am Friday NZ). These shows will be roughly every other week, with some variation.
Also, be sure to listen to Nigel LIVE on The Third Colony Saturday, 9-11pm Eastern (in the Americas, 1pm Sunday in New Zealand) on Go to The Third Colony website for how to listen, or to join the chatroom.
Link for this episode
Escaped Christchurch tarantula a ‘rumour’
Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]
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Hello Arthur!
I think this is probably my first or second time to listen to you. I thought I’d check you out (woohoo) after I heard you on Pride48. Hooray!
i have to admit that you have a really great voice for podcasting. I’m jealous!
I also hope that you New Zealanders are doing well. I remember when a few tremors were rumbling around here… everybody was freaking out. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be right in the middle of an earthquake. My weenie dog was going absolutely crazy… who needs an expensive warning system when you have a dog?!
Great show and glad I picked up on it! 🙂