We’ve been cold and had colds—not fun. But today I begin with a little update on what we’ve been up to, including some technological stuff (yeah, it surprises me, too). I move on to phone messages that allow me to comment further. Then to wrap up this episode, I pay tribute to my friend, known on this podcast as Lord Byron of Illinois, who died June 10. I talk a bit, too, about online friendships being real friendships—because I think they are. And that includes all of you who I know only through this podcast, by the way.
Links for this episode
Podlitically Incorrect Podcast
A friend never met but lost – my blog post on Lord Byron of Illinois
AmeriNZ 181: Live chat on men and intimacy – Lord Byron of Illinois suggested the topic and was part of the panel
AmeriNZ 186: Real or not? – Another live podcast that Lord Byron of Illinois was part of
Ramble Redhead Episode 298 Discussion with Lord Byron – check this out, too
Pride 48 blog – has latest updates AND discount codes for the Las Vegas event!
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