Another podcast guest spot

This past Saturday (my time), I was a guest host with Daniel Brewer on the podcast he does with Adam Burns, The Gay Mix (aka “The Mix”) podcast. That episode, “173 – Too 2Political? What Kind of Name is That for an Episode?”, has now been posted on their site. Adam was away on holiday, and Daniel asked me to join him, partly so we could talk about politics—did we? Yeah, a bit, but I haven’t listened to it yet, so for all I know it may have been a total trainwreck—for me. Daniel’s aways a professional. I should add that the episode is roughly an hour and a half long.

I’ve known Daniel and Adam for many years now, and both were the creators and initial drivers of Pride 48, so in the time I was heavily involved with that I talked with them a lot. But I haven’t spoken with Daniel (as in, talked with my voice—can’t be sure about comments or emails…) since the last Pride 48 streaming weekend back in September last year. Life’s been… odd since then—busy, sure, but mostly odd. [I talked about the weekend on my podcast at the time, “AmeriNZ 399 – For years”.]

This guest spot was technically my return to podcasting, since I haven’t posted an episode of my own AmeriNZ Podcast since April of this year. Actually, speaking of guest spots, this was my first since I recorded with my late friend Paul Armstrong way back in April 2021. I had no idea it had been that long, but, then, I’m not as active in podcasting or Pride 48 as I used to be, so it makes sense.

At any rate, I had a lot of fun catching up with Daniel and taking part in this week’s show.


Guest Spot: AR1234 Catching Up with Arthur

This is a LONG episode, but it was so much fun to record! One of the first podcasts (other than my own) that I was on was a group show on the original ArcherRadio (his episode 421). That was WAY back in March 2007. Then, he was on my podcast—episode 8—in May 2007. So, we have a long history—and it shows in this chat, I think.

We cover a lot of the LGBT podcasting history we experienced, a bit about where it’s heading, and all sorts of other things. Interestingly, despite our shared passion for politics, we don’t really talk about it much—THIS time! It was fun, but back to normal AmeriNZ episodes soon.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ!

There are several ways to send me an audio message—this earlier post lists them.

Link for this episode

Get AmeriNZ Podcast for free on iTunes


AmeriNZ 293 – Resumption

A new year, a new start. That means updates, starting with the holidays and moving on through the diet as well as some things a bit more exciting (for me, anyway…). Then, it’s a whole bunch of updates about various podcasts I’ve been part of, including this one. The voicemail phone line is no more, so I offer some suggestions on how you can send me an audio message.

We’re recording a new 2Political Podcast this week, and there will be a new The Third Colony on soon (maybe even this weekend!). And THIS podcast will be back again soon!

By the way, I’ve made a slight change to the way I do links: They’re still clickable on the website, but I’ve also included them in parenthesis so people can get the links from the MP3 file details without having to go to the website. I wanted to try this to make sure it works the way I intend it to before I mention it on the podcast itself.

Links for this episode
I was a guest on “Pink Wheelnuts Garage” (
“Arthur and Paul Talk” is no more (
There are several ways to send me an audio message (

Please leave a written comment, an audio message using the SpeakPipe widget, or on Audioboo or Skype (user name on both is AmeriNZ), or send an email to arthur{at] (you can email me an audio file, too, if you want).

Get AmeriNZ Podcast for free on iTunes


Another guest spot

I was a guest on another podcast, Pink Wheelnuts Garage. The episode is: PWNG-019 Commonwealth Attack. I was there with Mark in Canada (an American expat in Canada), Scotty the Little Aussie Battler, That Peter G (the only one in this show living in the USA), and the host, The Fey Driver, who is Canadian. It’s an eclectic show, and was a lot of fun to be part of. Check it out!


AmeriNZ Podcast Special – Egonomist 298

Egonomist Artwork This AmeriNZ Podcast Special Presentation is Episode 298 of The Egonomist, the first New Zealand podcast I’ve ever been a guest on. It’s mostly about politics, just so you know, but also about some expat and New Zealand stuff. I had a lot of fun, and look forward to having Dan and Dave visit the AmeriNZ Podcast. You can leave a comment below, or you can check out their site or Facebook page—links below, along with links to Dan’s and Dave’s Twitter feeds (I recommend both!).

Links for this episode
The website for The Egonomist
The Egonomist Facebook Page
The Egonomist on iTunes
Dan’s Twitter Feed
Dave’s Twitter Feed

Please leave a comment or send an email to arthur{at] Please note: The voicemail line is gone, but you can leave an audio message for my using the “Send Voicemail” item on the right edge of this page.

Get AmeriNZ Podcast for free on iTunes


Guest on a podcast premiere

This week, I was part of the panel on a new podcast, This Week in Gay. The debut episode was posted yesterday. The other panellists were by Satyr69 from the Satyrsphere Podcast, David of That Blue Jeans Guy Podcast, JayT from JayTOnline, and Matthew from Spanking Bea Arthur. The host, and creator of the podcast, is Anthony from A Shanty No Lemon.

Anthony’s idea was to resurrect the group discussions of a former podcast. He wrote: “Join us as we discuss this week’s news affecting the Gay community. Leave your feedback at” I like what Anthony is doing with the podcast, and I think it’ll get even better as it gets going. Personally, I think it takes most podcasts awhile to start to “work”, but maybe that was just true for me.

Anyway, for a group discussion on current events, check out This Week in Gay.


AmeriNZ 213 – Restart

amerinz_podcast_150x150After some introductory blather, I tell you about the sad Anzac Day this year. From there I move on the other NZ news, far less serious, but I sneak in a more serious thing, too. And more silliness. A phone comment lets me update an earlier episode.

Archerr may be taking over all the Thursday live shows. Stay tuned.

Links for this episode
AR1059 Does Medicare Cover STD Tests? – I was a guest on this group show episode
Roadshow weary – my long blog rant on Adobe
YouTube turns five – NZ’s top 10 vids” – NZ Herald list
Senate Immigration Framework Includes LGBT Binational Families
Musings of a Tech Writer Podcast

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

Get AmeriNZ Podcast for free on iTunes


A guest appearance?

Photo 21This week I took part in Archerr’s group show, AR1056 Gang Bang. Good luck hearing me, apart from the occasional adorable chuckle. Clearly I’m far too important to actually take part, as the photo above shows.

Seriously, it’s always fun to take part in an Archerr group show, so if you have the time, join in—or, better yet, join MY live show, which alternates with Archerr.

Join me for the next live show on Pride 48 starting at 8:00pm Eastern North American time on Thursday, April 22 (Noon Friday, April 23 New Zealand time). You can also join other listeners in the chatroom, where you can also ask questions or make comments as the show is streamed. Archerr will be back as host the following week.


They Don’t Know, but Peter does

I made a reciprocal visit to Peter’s They Don’t Know podcast where we talked about all sorts of things, including cars! If you know me, you’ll know how bizarre that is. It was a lot of fun talking with Peter for my podcast, and the fun continued on his. Just goes to show, you start interacting with people on the Internet and you may just end up with a friend.

So feel free to head over to Peter’s site to listen his latest episode and leave a comment there. Or here. Podcasters just want to to be loved, don’t you know… (and that’s officially the end of my making lame jokes out of the The Don’t Know podcast name, uh, I think).


AmeriNZ 116 – A Canadian Mark

Joining me today is one of my “e-friends”, Mark from Slap Upside the Head, which is one of my favourite sites on the Internet (his motto: “Combatting bigotry the gayest way I know how”). Mark was last on the podcast on Episode 51 back in November of last year.

Canada is having in election in October, so we talk a bit about that, and also about the elections in the US and New Zealand, all of which are happening relatively close to each other. What’s happening with proportional representation in Canada? We also talk about the nature of political parties, in Canada and elsewhere.

Some Americans talk about moving to Canada if McCain wins. Is that realistic? We even talk about the controversy about the “Hockey Tonight” theme. Do you know what the national sport of Canada is? Yes, we Do talk about sports!

Please visit Mark’s site!

Links for this episode:

Mark’s last time on the podcast:
AmeriNZ #51 – Mark from Slap

Escape to Canada trailer

Pooping puffin pulled from Tory ad

Get AmeriNZ Podcast for free on iTunes
