This is my second podcast episode for March, which is nice, but it turns out that I’ve been posting two new episodes every month so far this year, which I think is a fantastic improvement on how things have been the past couple years.
The first actual topic today is the the Democrats Abroad Global Primary, the results for which have just been released. I talk about those results in a little depth, and I also blogged in more depth about it (link below).
The second NZ Flag Referendum ends on Thursday, and the number of ballots returned has been much higher than for the first referendum. In fact, as of yesterday, roughly 60% of registered voters had voted, with three more days to go. I tell you why I think that’s important
New Zealand’s next Governor General has been announced. I have no idea who she is.
Easter Weekend includes two public holidays, so this is probably the last episode for March. Maybe. Finally, some personal updates, including non-news from the Tooth Tales saga, and an update on things I’ve talked about before.
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There are several ways to send me an audio message—this earlier post lists them.
Links for this episode
” The DA Global Primary and realities” – My blog post on the Democrats Abroad Global Primary results
“Dame Patsy Reddy to be Governor-General” – NZ Herald

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