Although my second video, this is my first official video podcast. Today I talk about voting overseas. US citizens living permanently overseas use the FPCA (Federal Postcard Application) program to register to vote and obtain their ballot. To start the process, go to Voter registration deadlines in all states are approaching fast, so hurry! This video podcast let’s me share something unusual toward the end.
Clarification: The materials I show you are used in Chicago. Other places in the US may do things differently. Also, because of the slowness of international mail, it’s important to get your registration paperwork filed as quickly as possible: Don’t wait until just before your state’s registration deadline.
Please leave a comment, email me at Arthur{at} or ring my US listener line on (206) 339-8413.
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Yeah! A video! I feel honored that I was able to see you vote. My question is, do they put the party affiliation next to the names on the ballot?
Great information, even if you do live in the US…it shows that you can live abroad and still be involved in the election.
Did the ballot have parties other than the Dems and the GOP?
Thanks for the comments, everyone! Yes, they do put parties on the Illinois ballot. The parties on the ballot are: Democratic, Republican, Green, Libertarian, Constitution Party of Illinois (a far, far right party). There are also two independents. All the same parties have candidates for US Senator. But in the Congressional District I vote in, only the Democrats, Republicans and Greens have candidates. There are no independents running for US Senator in Illinois, nor in the Congressional District I vote in.
First…How cute are you?! It was great to see your smiling face. I “wonder” who you voted for hehehe! Keep them coming doll!
I agree with Nessa – what a subtle and charming little smile 🙂 I love it!
I wish I could vote as well. Somehow I feel I should because this is so important, not only for the US but for the whole world as well.
Imagine that horrible woman being VP with the old man president who is a heartbeat away from death. I do not want one of the most powerful nations become a theocracy.
God help us all.
Arthur, I loved your vid. I feel a bit like Michael in STGT. He can’t vote and I’m not so sure that I can either. Living in Florida I don’t feel that confident that ballots are regarded as sacred as I believe them to be; silly me. I’m voting by mail this year since my experience voting during the recent primary demonstrated to me how inept the new paper ballot system is and poorly trained poll workers are. I expect chaos and very long lines with plenty of intimidateing of voters come this November. It bothers me that most voting places are fundimentalist churches since there are more of them than 7-11’s. In New England we voted at churches but never faced a pro-life poster in the voting place like here in Florida. Letters to the voting commision have no effect so I thinking that there may be a bit of hope with voiting my mail and when I saw your video I immediately decided that was the way to go.
I appreciate the work you are doing; hope to see more of you.
Nessa: Aw, thanks! Yeah, I know, I’ve been really secretive about my voting choice, eh? More vids to come.
Michael: Thanks, Michael! You know, a lot of people in the world feel they should get a vote since the US influences so much of what happens in the world. I certainly don’t support that “horrible woman”, as you put it, and she’s reason enough to vote against McSame.
Frank: I think Florida putting polling places in fundamentalist churches isn’t an accident—they want to encourage right wing Republican results. I’m glad you found a solution to your voting dilemma, and that I could help!
And thanks for your support!