Paul posted this for us over at the Arthur and Paul Talk Podcast site:
Arthur and I have decided to end our podcast together. Our schedules have made it very difficult to record together. While we enjoyed our time recording and the interaction with the listeners, we simply need to end the podcast and the beginning of a new year is a good time to end it. We appreciate all the support and feedback we’ve gotten over the months of the podcast. You guys are great!
The website will stay around until the domain name expires. The episodes will stay until that time as well.
Thank you for your support!
Arthur and Paul
It’s always sad when a podcast ends, but for me, this one is sad because it’s the first ending I’ve ever been part of. Still, it was necessary. It’s been hard enough for me to find time to record my solo podcast, so finding time to record with another person has been impossible at times.
Still, it’s not like we had a falling out or anything, so THAT’S good, anyway! In fact, don’t be surprised if we show up on each other’s podcasts from time to time. This is the end of one podcast, after all, and we both continue on.
Like Paul said, thanks for your support, and we’ll both be “seeing” you around the pod-o-sphere!

I must say I hadn’t listened, because I neglected to get it on my iTunes, and it slipped my mind.
No worries. Old episodes will be available until the domain expires.