Today we wrap-up the Republican Convention, including speeches and our general impressions. The crowd looked very homogeneous to us. I mention the extreme police over-reaction: Does that relate to the Republicans’ constant attacks on the media? The two parties’ platforms don’t make any difference except that they tell us about party activists, the people who drive the parties. The Republican activists are way to the right.
What, if anything, does either party offer average, undecided voters? Jason offers his thoughts on that, and how the extremes are screaming at each other while the folks in the middle are being ignored. Then we talk a bit about opinion polls as we start the discussion of the general election. I’m more worried about voter suppression than Jason is. Comments let us comment, too. (The odd voice in the background during the last couple minutes is the plumber talking on his cellphone).
Be sure to visit Jason’s blog.
Please leave a comment, ring my US Listener Line on 206-339-8413, or send an email to arthur{at]
Links for this episode:
iTunes (USA) has the speeches from the Republican Convention.
iTunes also has the speeches from the Democratic National Convention (both audio and video).
Apparently, people from any country can get these speeches through iTunes.
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I suppose, not surprisingly, the issues re: Sarah Palin that resonate most for me involve her brand of “Christianity” and the librarian issue. Here’s an angle re: the latter I had not seen before; note the URL: