I’m about to launch a new series of live AmeriNZ Podcasts on Pride48.com, beginning on Friday, September 18 at 12 noon NZ time (Thursday, Sept 17, 8PM Eastern US time). Don’t worry about calculating what that is in your local time—just go to the schedule page on Pride48.com and change the time zone to yours.
These new live shows will be different from the ones I’ve done before. They’ll be more topical—about politics, current events, culture, etc. The crazy shows will be back from time to time, but the weekly show will be a bit more structured. Each show will have a chatroom available so listeners can interact with each other, me and the others on the show. Each show will be about an hour long.
The group shows will be first come, first served or whatever; there’s a limit to how many people can be in a Skype conference, so be in early (you can email me in advance if you want to be sure to be part of the group). In the middle of the week, I hope to post the topics for that week so if it’s something you’re especially interested in you can be sure to be there.
The premier episode will be different: It’ll be two hours long, and starts with a special guest. Then, we’ll all take part in the group show (which should begin about 12:45 or 1pm NZ time, 8:45pm 9pm Eastern US). The following week it’ll be back to an hour.
So stop by for the premier episode and take part in any way you feel comfortable. This show will be whatever we make it together, so let’s have some fun!

Do you have a topic list yet?
Yes I do. I was holding off until 24-hours ahead of time, so they’ll be posted soon.