Episode 37 is now available. You can listen to it or download it through the player at the bottom of this post, or subscribe for free through iTunes here (you must have the free iTunes player installed). You can also listen to it for free through the player on my MySpace page.
This is a relatively short episode, in part because this is the busiest week of the month for me. I recorded this in Garage Band, and there were a few “issues” I noticed when I was done. Anyway, I have two topics. First, at 1:30, I talk a little about the meeting of APEC in Sydney, including some audio. Then, at 11:55 I talk about the Rugby World Cup, that starts this week. It’s a Very Big Deal in this part of the world. Finally, it’s comments at 16:12.
Take part in the new poll on my blog: What’s your favourite movie made in New Zealand? There’s no significance to the movies listed, by the way.
Leave a comment or send an email to me at amerinz@yahoo.com.
Links for this episode:
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
John Howard’s YouTube video
Rugby World Cup
Official site of the New Zealand All Blacks
USA Rugby official site
International Rugby Board (world governing body)
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