A listener voicemail leads me to talk about some of the things that people in New Zealand do for fun. Mostly, it’s similar to what people in other Western countries do. I have some written comments and other voicemails today, too. And Big Fatty makes a guest appearance.
I have two more episodes planned for this week, including another Polticast with Jason at the end of the week.
Link for this episode: Weber Brothers Circus
Please leave a comment, ring my US Listener Line on 206-339-8413, or send an email to arthur{at]amerinzpodcast.com.
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“Oh, gussie!” Is that a Kiwi curseword?
No, that’s a saying that Big Fatty uses on his podcast. I was stealing it.
OK, I am just now catching up from the week of sickness and loved the opening of this show. Interesting that you didn’t have to do any editing to make me sound like an old coot! I’ve also noticed that this episode is EXACTLY 20 minutes.
And I would have been CRUSHED if you hadn’t ended with “Oh Dear Gussie.”