Jason and I are back, after the final (!) presidential debate. We talk about that, and also about the two “elephants in the room”: Palin’s religion and Obama’s race. The first ought to be an issue, especially for GLBT voters—and rational voters of all kinds—and the other isn’t a factor for opinion polls (we tell you why). Aside from that, it’s a wide-ranging discussion of the US election, with more to come.
To visit Jason’s Blog, click here.
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Great show! I love your joint shows with Jason, particularly as I am a NZ resident who moved here after 30 years in Washington, DC. The Mark Warner 30 point lead is good to hear!
One thing I didn’t hear you mention in relation to the “Bradley Effect” theories being talked-up: I think they’re doing that to cover voting machine systems (again) being programmed to throw key districts and the election to the Republicans as many strongly suspect happened in 2000 and 2004. How better to explain differences in the polls now and faked results in a few weeks? It’s not the machines, it’s “the Bradley Effect”. Not.
Here’s my current spam-free post, which mentions this here podcast: http://rogerowengreen.blogspot.com/2008/10/yet-another-conversation-about-politics.html
Thanks for the comments (and the great link, Roger). We’ll be discussing these on the next Politicast.