Easter and our holiday are over, so it’s back to normal. I begin by talking about some useless information about Easter, then a bit about our time off. Then, finally, I tell you a bit about the new Auckland, and that features some special commentary. Be back later this week with a 2Political Podcast.
Link for this episode
‘Star Trek’ on the red carpet post on my blog.
Little Aussie Battler.
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hey arthur.
enjoyed the show.
i think i’ll do an “about australia” show for my next episode.
Thanks for the contribution! You know, I could always record a segment on New Zealand for your podcast… 😉
Hi Arthur and Scotty-
Further on rates- trash collection and water are included in the rates where I’ve lived thus far in NZ- I don’t know if it’s just different in Auckland or whether Christchurch and Canterbury differ, but rates cover everything down here.
And very much enjoyed the comparisons to Brisbane- some of my kiwi relatives live there and I do toy with the idea of going over too – at least to warm up for a few weeks!
Thanks guys!
You’re right, Ann, and I probably should’ve made clearer that different councils do things differently. BTW, Auckland doesn’t have the sort of temperatures that Brizzy has, but it’s definitely warmer in winter here than in Christchurch! 😉