Jason’s special days are just fun ones today—nothing too serious, which is good, because we start today with a real nutcase and I follow that with something from another. This leads to a discussion of extremists, both on the left and the right. How does extremism relate to terrorism? One of the extremist groups we talk about is in trouble in Australia. We also talk about the influence of the right wing media. There’s also some New Zealand political news this week!
After the discussion, we have comments on our previous episode. That raises topics we discuss. Finally, Arthur provides an update on swine flu in New Zealand.
Feel free to visit our website, 2political.com, where, you can leave a comment, get the comment line number or our email addresses for the podcast. 2Political episodes will continue to be available through AmeriNZ Podcast for quite awhile, or you can subscribe directly through iTunes (link below), or you can use http://feeds2.feedburner.com/2politicalPodcast.
Back in 2 weeks!
Link for this episode:
Viola Gopher Count
More about the Gopher Count
Juhannusaatto (Midsummer Eve)
Prayers of Hate From Rightwing Pulpits
Arthur will be podcasting live as part of Pride 48 at 3am Eastern US time on June 27 (7pm Auckland time).
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AmeriNZ Podcast
Arthur’s AmeriNZ blog
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