I have some general updates today, including a Pride 48 wrap-up, but I begin with my main topic, work visas for New Zealand and how the recession is affecting people who have them. A special feature today as an homage to the Pride 48 Aftershow—hours condensed to a 1:35 sampling.
Link for this episode
Immigrant Victims. I talked about today’s main topic on my blog .
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That was probably the best minute and 35 seconds of the whole Pride48 after show. Good job getting it condensed down to the perfect highlights. Was Daniel drunk? hahaha
I guess I liked the Sunday show better because you and Nigel told stories – and yes, I too would like to have heard his version of your wedding; put it on the next Nigel podcast list NOW.
I suppose Saturday had a bit too much of drunken frat boy motif for my taste, not you or Nigel but the others. And there was that lengthy bit of them discussing stuff that we in the audience could not see. It was boring.
However unplanned you and Nigel were alone, boring you never were.
Hi Arthur
Thanks for all your help. We have taken your advise and will arrive in Auckland in November for a 4 week holiday.
On that note I have been investigating Sat Nav technology and came across this open source project http://nzopengps.org/. Has any of your audience used these maps? Are they any good?
What I mean is, can they find Top Ten campsites?
Might make an interesting topic for a podcast?