2PP013 – 11 August 2009

2PP_Album_art_smallAfter Jason’s special days, we have some final thoughts on the elevation of Sonia Sotomayor to the US Supreme Court, which is why this episode starts with the audioclip. From there it’s on to the main topic, the debate over healthcare reform, and we have another audio clip. To wrap up, Arthur has another silly story from the conservative fringe. After a couple phone messages, we’re done. Can you guess what saved our phone number for another two weeks beyond what the phone messages gave us?

Important note: The 2Political Podcast will no longer be posted to the AmeriNZ Podcast feed starting early September. You’ll get more warning, but if you want to continue receiving the 2Political Podcast you’ll need to subscribe separately. Thanks for your support!

Feel free to visit our website, 2political.com, where, you can leave a comment, get the comment line number or our email addresses for the podcast. 2Political episodes will continue to be available through AmeriNZ Podcast for quite awhile, or you can subscribe directly through iTunes (link below)..

Back in 2 weeks!

Link for this episode:
Crayfish Premiere, Sweden, August 12.
Awa Odori (Fools Dance), Japan, through August 15.
Jason is taking part in an M.S. Ride in Missouri. Please click here to donate, no matter how much or how little!
Jason’s Blog
Arthur’s blog, podcasts and videos can be accessed here.

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